Thank you for taking the time to visit the KUET Photographic Society website.

If you are here to find out more about us, this page will tell you the essential details (where we meet, how much it costs, that sort of thing), and you can see examples of our members’ photography.

But the best way to find out what we are like and whether we are what you are looking for is to come along and give it a try. Visitors are always welcome and for just £2 towards room hire (tea/coffee included) what is there to lose?

If you have questions or wish to get in touch just click on the Contact Us link at the top of the page.



We try to make our fortnightly meetings interesting for everyone – whatever your experience and whatever your camera of choice. We aim to improve our photographic skills, learn what makes a good image, and perhaps how to manipulate the files using a computer and imaging software.


These will include presentations and demonstrations from well-known local photographers or from members of the club with particular knowledge and experience on a specific topic, or practical evenings and workshops where we bring our cameras and learn or try something different.


We encourage all members to enter whatever their level of experience. New members may find the idea a bit intimidating but competitions are an excellent way to improve your image making. Constructive feedback from experienced visiting judges is often useful and it can help your learning process to see your work on display and being discussed. But if you decide not to take part that’s fine; you can learn a lot just by looking at other members’ images and hearing the judge’s comments.

As a society we take part in two annual inter-club competitions with the other societies on the island, when each club puts forward their best digital images to be judged against each other.


We arrange a variety of trips and outings for photography, mainly during the summer months, but we hope to add more outside activities and workshops during the season if there is interest and support. We welcome your suggestions.


We have a permanent display of over 40 images upstairs at Noble’s Hospital. All prints are available to purchase and a share of the proceeds goes to the patients’ comfort fund.

During each summer break we exhibit members’ prints at events in the south of the island, which are excellent opportunities to raise awareness of the club and speak to other photographers.



The Southern Photographic Society was set up in October 1971 to cater for photographers in the south of the Isle of Man. Almost 50 years later, the purpose of the club is still to promote and encourage photography but we welcome members from all over the Island and further afield.

Meetings take place in the clubhouse at Colby Football Club on alternate Wednesday evenings from early September to May. We hold regular practical and instructional sessions, presentations by visiting experts and monthly competitions for all abilities – both internal and against other clubs.

During the summer there are various social events like trips and photo walks, and we also exhibit prints at Noble’s Hospital and at events in the south of the island.

We are keen to welcome new members of all abilities, from beginners to photographers of all standards who wish to improve their skills or share their knowledge. You don’t need to be an expert and you don’t need the latest and greatest camera, so if you would like to find out more just come along; we’re an informal and friendly group.

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